I was once given the responsibility of verifying the assembly attributes of all the assemblies in a .NET solution prior to each release. This was a very monotonous job considering the fact that this had to be done manually. For two of the releases, I used to open the properties of each dotnet assembly and verify if the attributes were correct in the release version. In a better situation I would have gone through the assemblyinfo.cs in each project and verified it (which is no better), but sadly I did not have access to the versioning server.
I did a bit of soul searching and decided that this was not the correct way to go through it. I wrote a small win app that could be used to do this
FileStream txtfile;
StreamWriter sw;
private void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtfile = new FileStream(txtOutputFile.Text, FileMode.Create , FileAccess.Write);
sw = new StreamWriter(txtfile);
txtDirectoryPath.Text = dlgDirBrowser.SelectedPath;
string directoryPath = txtDirectoryPath.Text;
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);
MessageBox.Show("Directory path incorrect");
MessageBox.Show("Done. File created "+ txtOutputFile.Text);
public void TraverseFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.GetFiles("projectname*.dll"))
FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fileInfo.FullName);
bool finalCheck;
finalCheck = (Assembly.LoadFrom(fileInfo.FullName).GetName().Version.ToString() == txtAssemblyVersion.Text)
&& (fileVersionInfo.ProductVersion == txtProductVersion.Text)
&& (fileVersionInfo.FileDescription == fileVersionInfo.OriginalFilename.Substring(0,fileVersionInfo.OriginalFilename.Length -4))
&& (fileVersionInfo.FileVersion == txtFileVersion.Text)
&& (fileVersionInfo.LegalCopyright == txtLegalCopyright.Text)
&& (fileVersionInfo.CompanyName == txtCompanyName.Text )
&& (fileVersionInfo.InternalName == fileVersionInfo.OriginalFilename)
&& (fileVersionInfo.ProductName == txtProductName.Text);
if (finalCheck == false)
sw.WriteLine(fileInfo.Name + " : Incorrect");
// sw.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName + " : Correct");
DirectoryInfo[] directories = directoryInfo.GetDirectories();
foreach(DirectoryInfo newDir in directories)
sw.WriteLine(" ");
sw.WriteLine("Directory: " + newDir.FullName);
TraverseFolder(newDir); // recursive call
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